BLL Code of Conduct
This Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the “Code”) outlines the ethical and legal standards for managers, officers, agents, and employees of Box Lacrosse League, LLC. (the “BLL”) and its member clubs. The purpose of this Code is to prevent misconduct and ensure that all BLL operations are carried out with integrity and in compliance with relevant laws and regulations. This Code applies to the BLL, including its subsidiaries and business entities.
If you have any questions regarding this Code or its relevance to specific situations, please contact the Box Lacrosse League Ownership Group.
Adherence to Laws, Rules, and Regulations
The BLL expects all employees, officers, agents, and managers to follow all applicable laws, rules, and regulations in any region where the BLL operates. You are encouraged to use sound judgment and seek advice when in doubt about compliance with these laws.
If you become aware of any violations of policies, rules, or regulations by the BLL—whether committed by its officers, employees, agents, managers, or any third parties acting on behalf of the BLL—it is your responsibility to report the matter promptly to the BLL. Although the BLL prefers internal resolution, nothing in this Code should discourage you from reporting unlawful activities to the appropriate authorities. Employees, officers, agents, and managers must not retaliate against anyone who reports such violations, unless the report is knowingly false. This Code does not prevent you from participating in any legal proceedings or investigations.
Avoiding Conflicts of Interest
It is essential for employees, officers, agents, and managers to act in the BLL’s best interests and avoid any conflicts of interest. A conflict of interest arises when your personal interests interfere, or appear to interfere, with the BLL’s interests. Such conflicts can arise when personal interests prevent you from performing your duties with honesty, objectivity, and effectiveness.
For example:
- No employee, officer, agent, or manager should use their position to influence business dealings with a supplier or customer where they have a personal interest, other than owning less than one percent (1%) of the publicly traded company’s shares.
You are required to disclose any relationships or transactions that could present a conflict of interest to the BLL General Manager, who will determine whether a conflict exists.
Confidential Information
Employees, officers, agents, and managers must safeguard the confidentiality of any sensitive information entrusted to them by the BLL or its affiliates, including partners, advisors, suppliers, and customers, unless disclosure is authorized by a supervisor or legally required. Unauthorized disclosure of confidential information is prohibited. Additionally, confidential business information should only be shared within the BLL when necessary for business purposes and only with those who need to know.
Ethical and Fair Conduct
Employees, officers, agents, and managers must treat suppliers, customers, competitors, and employees with honesty, fairness, and respect. Statements about the BLL’s products and services should never be false, misleading, or fraudulent. Unfair practices such as manipulation, concealment, misrepresentation, or any form of dishonest dealing are strictly prohibited.
Protection and Proper Use of BLL Assets
Employees, officers, agents, and managers are responsible for safeguarding the BLL’s assets. Carelessness or theft directly affects the BLL’s financial performance. BLL assets should only be used for legitimate business purposes and not for personal gain or the benefit of others.
Employees, officers, agents, and managers should promote the BLL’s interests whenever possible and should not seize personal opportunities that arise from their position or access to the BLL’s resources or information.
Gifts and Gratuities
Using BLL resources for gifts, gratuities, or other favors is prohibited unless such gifts comply with applicable laws, are of insignificant value, and are not given with the expectation of receiving anything in return.
Employees, officers, agents, and managers must not accept, nor allow their immediate family members to accept, any gifts, gratuities, or favors from any person doing business with the BLL, except for items of negligible value. Gifts of greater value should be returned immediately or, if returning them isn’t feasible, donated to charity or disposed of as determined by the BLL.
Business entertainment should be modest, infrequent, and serve legitimate business purposes. Offering or accepting bribes or kickbacks is illegal and strictly prohibited.
Accurate Records and Financial Integrity
Employees, officers, agents, and managers must ensure that all business transactions are accurately reported. Honest reporting is crucial for meeting the BLL’s legal and regulatory requirements. All books, records, and accounts must comply with relevant regulations and accurately reflect the transactions they represent.
The BLL’s financial statements must conform to accepted accounting principles and reflect the true nature of its operations. No false or misleading entries are permitted in the BLL’s financial records, and all corporate funds must be disbursed only with proper documentation.
Concerns about Accounting or Auditing Issues
Employees, officers, agents, and managers who have concerns about questionable accounting or auditing matters can report them confidentially and anonymously to the BLL’s General Manager. All such concerns will be reviewed by the BLL Governing Board of Managers.
The BLL will not retaliate against anyone who reports concerns in good faith unless it is determined that the report was knowingly false.
Dealing with Independent Auditors
Employees, officers, agents, and managers must not provide false or misleading information to accountants involved in auditing the BLL’s financial statements. They must not attempt to influence or manipulate independent auditors in any fraudulent manner.
Waivers of the Code
Certain provisions of this Code must be followed without exception. However, in some cases, waivers may be allowed. Any individual seeking a waiver must first contact the BLL General Manager.
Reporting Violations and Compliance Procedures
Every employee, officer, agent, and governor is responsible for raising concerns, asking questions, and reporting suspected violations of this Code. If you are aware of a violation, you must report it to your regional manager or the BLL General Manager.
Reports can be made anonymously or openly, without fear of retaliation. The BLL will not discipline anyone who reports a violation unless it is found that the report was made in bad faith. Regional Managers who receive reports of violations must immediately inform the BLL General Manager.
Violations of this Code may result in disciplinary action, including warnings, suspension, demotion, or termination, and in some cases, referral to the appropriate authorities for legal action.
Dissemination and Amendments
This Code will be provided to all new employees, officers, agents, and managers upon joining the BLL and will be distributed annually. The BLL reserves the right to amend, modify, or terminate this Code at any time.
This document does not constitute an employment contract between the BLL or its member clubs and their employees, officers, agents, or managers.
Whistleblower Policy
- Overview
The BLL’s Code of Conduct mandates that managers, officers, and employees maintain high ethical standards and comply with relevant laws and regulations in the course of their duties. - Reporting Responsibility
It is the responsibility of all managers, officers, and employees to uphold the Code and report any violations or suspected violations. - No Retaliation
No one will face retaliation for reporting violations of the Code in good faith. Retaliation, including harassment or negative employment consequences, will result in disciplinary action, up to termination. - Reporting Violations
If you have concerns or complaints, you should speak with the BLL General Manager. If you are uncomfortable doing so or are unsatisfied with the response, you may escalate the matter to the BLL Governing Board. - Reward
In cases where a fine is imposed, the BLL General Manager may approve a reward from the funds collected.